Sunday, February 20, 2011

lulu pooped in a cranky lady's yard today

water, cut offs & tank top kinda day


today was my first day off for the week. tuesday is my next and im in for the long run wed-sat.
I sat around in a tank top, cut off shorts, slippers with a bottle of water between my legs. i cleaned the kitchen,swept the house, opened windows and all that stuff that yr supposed to do on a beautiful sunny day when the rest of the forecast is set to stunning rain clouds until wednesday morning.
any way,i set out to make falafels for dinner but i didn't mix the flour in, because i didn't read the entire directions so whoooops but we went ahead and had curried potatoes and brocs for dinner. we're both pretty full & curried potatoes will be making a come back pretttttty soon!

curried potatoes & brocs

lulu sleeping
lulu and i went for a pretty adventurous walk today so we're both pretty pooped

dirty hairhello amber CUNT patch

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