holy moly! i have been so incredibly busy with so many beautiful things! i have been going to rehearsals, sewing costumes, going to the production shows, spending time with beautiful friends, going to karaoke bars, meeting incredible people, getting drunk, bar tending, and i received my first smart phone! an iPhone 3GS!
i've also been spending a lot of time in color baths, too. my neighbor and i went to the farmer's market this past Wednesday together.
i've been spending so much time with just..seriously beautiful people. i can't tell you how amazing i feel or how much better i feel since we left the slump town that we used to live in. while, yes, i did meet great people there, it just never felt like home.
yesterday morning was really my only down time all week so i took full advantage of it before we ran downtown to Patsy's market and to the coffee shop!
yesterday the production had 2 shows (one at 2 and one at 7:30) so in between, we had a pot luck lunch/dinner, and someone brought spaghetti and thought ever so kind heartedly, about us veg heads that are involved with the production and put boiled carrots into the spaghetti. it was super yummy.
my Instagram name is "summerdandelionbat" if anyone is interested!
i used have these lil' tubs of bath colors. miss them a little. bath tea just isn't the same.